Exploration Geology Expertise | SLB

Exploration Geology Expertise

已发表: 01/15/2016

Schlumberger Oilfield Services

Schlumberger has long-standing exploration geology expertise, and Schlumberger researchers have pioneered the development of innovative technologies and systems supported by collaborative knowledge-workflows. 

At the 85th annual conference of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), Schlumberger technical experts shared their expertise and presented more than 50 papers across a range of topics. Recent case histories showcasing the benefits of one of the most recent developments—IsoMetrix marine isometric seismic technology—were also presented. They highlighted operational efficiency gains for conventional marine seismic acquisition systems using the technology. 

Other technologies presented at the conference included the latest release of the Techlog wellbore software platform, which provides a fully integrated, interactive, and easy-to-use desktop solution for interpretation of all types of wellbore data, including cores, logs, images, and photos.

The Techlog platform, through collaboration workflows in the Studio E&P knowledge environment, helps geoscientists and engineers to access, review, and use their company's valuable information. The release makes the Techlog platform available within the Ocean software development framework, enabling external development of its applications for the first time. In addition, new functionality is available to support the development of unconventional resources and exploration geology.

One of the SEG's traditions is the recognition of individuals and organizations for their contributions to geophysics. The “Best Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting” was awarded to a paper co-authored by Schlumberger and WesternGeco experts. The paper describes a new marine seismic source engineered based on principles established through modeling work that is designed to reduce the potential impact of seismic acquisition operations while also delivering optimal bandwidth for subsurface imaging.
