Embracing the New Oil | SLB

Embracing the New Oil

已发表: 11/01/2018

Schlumberger Oilfield Services

Technology has long been a cornerstone in the advancement of the E&P industry yet extensive use of digital technology in the industry is just taking off.

Integrating digital technology into E&P workflows requires extensive domain expertise about the entire system—from hardware and software technologies to the complexity of the data and numerous systems involved.

To meet this digitalization challenge, Schlumberger developed the DELFI cognitive E&P environment to enable a new way of working. The platform incorporates Schlumberger domain expertise and global experience in every step of the E&P process, a knowledge that stems from the company’s focus on the science of subsurface measurement since the company’s foundation.

As the first of its kind in the oil and gas industry, this secure, cloud-based environment harnesses data, scientific knowledge, and domain expertise to fundamentally change the industry’s way of working. The new DELFI environment makes applications and workflows accessible to every user.

In an article in E&P magazine “The New Oil” Gavin Rennick, president of Software Integrated Solutions for Schlumberger, discusses how the company’s DELFI cognitive E&P environment enables this new way of working for asset teams by providing technology for seamless integration between geophysics, geology, reservoir engineering, drilling, and production domains. The environment leverages data analytics, machine learning, and high-performance computing and enables collaboration across E&P teams. Read the full article here.
