SLB Wins ASME OTC 2022 Best Paper Award | SLB

SLB Wins ASME OTC 2022 Best Paper Award

已发表: 05/06/2022

Schlumberger Oilfield Services

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) has recognized SLB with its coveted Arthur Lubinski OTC Best Paper Award. The paper, which details the development and implementation of subsea production systems (SPS) equipment for the world’s first developed 20-ksi field, was selected from hundreds of technical papers that were presented at the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC), held in Houston, from May 2–5.

Read the full paper: OTC-32024: Project Execution Of Industry First 20,000-psi Subsea Production System

Schlumberger technical experts receiving ASME OTC 2022 Best Paper Award
From left to right: Stephen Gaydos, senior system engineer; Clint Weaver, tree engineer; Diego Penuela, connection engineer; Hunnain Kaleemullah, manifold engineer; Parth Pathak, technology sustainability champion; Jim Kaculi, ASME OTC committee chair; James Stevens, senior modeling and simulation engineer; and Joshua Pollak, senior services engineer

“We are truly humbled by this honor,” said the paper’s lead author Joshua Pollak, senior project engineer, OneSubsea®, an SLB company. “This paper represents years of R&D innovation and industry collaboration to develop SPS equipment rated for 20-ksi or 400°F in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico.”

The 30-page paper is packed with descriptions of novel 20-ksi technologies and detailed explanations of digital solutions that were used to advance technology development and overall project execution. It also covers the challenges experienced during the development, manufacturing, and factory testing of the equipment and provides insights into how those challenges were solved.

The paper authors—all from Schlumberger—also include Parth Pathak, Clint Weaver, Stephen Gaydos, James Stevens, Nicholas Katsounas, Diego Penuela, Alessandro Baptista, Hunnain Kaleemullah, and Karl Watne. The authors were recognized at the ASME Best Mechanical Engineering Award Banquet, held offsite from OTC in Houston on May 3.
