GeoPark Saves 6.23 Days off AFE With PowerDrive X6 vorteX RSS in Llanos Basin Drilling Campaign | SLB

GeoPark saves 6.23 days off AFE with PowerDrive X6 vorteX RSS in Llanos Basin drilling campaign

Colombia, South America, 陆上

To improve drilling efficiency after experiencing low ROP because of bit balling and poor hole cleaning in formations with high dip angles, GeoPark deployed the PowerDrive X6 vorteX™ motorized rotary steerable system (RSS) to drill 29% faster and achieve time savings of 37% over the plan.

Minimizing operating time for project economics

Improving the efficiency of E&P projects and reducing costs are priorities for achieving profitability. One of the most effective methods of reducing operational costs is lowering the rig cost, which is the biggest contributor to the well authorization for expenditure (AFE). This is done by enhancing drilling performance with the proper application of the latest technology and optimized to processes.

This strategy was adopted by GeoPark in its Tua-10 well in Block 34 of Colombia's Llanos Basin. The operator had to overcome a number of known field issues, including low ROP due to bit balling, poor hole cleaning in high-angle wells, and poor BHA control in formations with high dip angles. The well was planned as a J-type well with a casing design that consisted of a 12 1/4-in and an 8 3/4-in section. Including completion operations, the planned time in the AFE was 23 days, with 12.63 days authorized to drill the 8 3/4-in section.

Graph: GeoPark Saves 6.23 Days off AFE With PowerDrive X6 vorteX RSS in Llanos Basin Drilling Campaign - The ROPO software added in adjesting weight on bit and rpm
The ROPO software aided in adjusting weight on bit and rpm.

Developing fit-for-purpose solution in the planning stage to set a drilling record with optimal technologies

In the planning phase, GeoPark worked with SLB to investigate technologies and processes that would overcome flat drilling times and improve drilling performance. SLB recommended using the PowerDrive X6 vorteX RSS and PowerPak HR motor to drill the 8 3/4-in section. SLB also used ROPO software to monitor and adjust weight on bit and rpm in real time. GeoPark and SLB also established hole-cleaning procedures, taking into account the high ROP possible with the PowerDrive X6 vorteX RSS. APWD data was acquired and analyzed to monitor hole cleaning and to minimize the wiper trips during execution.

The constant communication between GeoPark and SLB resulted in excellent decisions when, after risk analysis, a planned trip with a BHA equipped with logging-while-drilling tools was eliminated. The Tua-10 well reached TD 6.23 days ahead of AFE and 29% faster compared with the previous well. To date, it is GeoPark's fastest high-displacement well drilled in the Llanos 34 campaign using a powered RSS. The well also set a SLB record for the longest single-run 8 3/4-in section drilled using the PowerDrive X6 vorteX RSS and PowerPak HR motor.

Graph: GeoPark Saves 6.23 Days off AFE With PowerDrive X6 vorteX RSS in Llanos Basin Drilling Campaign - The Tua-10 well set a field record for drilling with a powered RSS. It was drilled to TD 6.23 drilling days ahead of AFE and 4.38 faster than the previously drilled well.
The Tua-10 well set a field record for drilling with a powered RSS. It was drilled to TD 6.23 drilling days ahead of AFE and 4.38 days faster than the previously drilled well.