Suspension additive reduces fluid maintenance costs by 71% | SLB

Suspension additive reduces fluid maintenance costs by 71%

WateGuard flat rheology suspension additive maintained SBM properties, eliminating 24 bbl of settlement and cutting fluid maintenance costs by 71%.

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Gulf of Mexico, Mexico, North America, 海上

In offshore operations, M-I SWACO, an SLB company, stores synthetic-based mud (SBM) and oil-based mud (OBM) in static conditions for long periods between projects. Any settling or separation can impact the fluid’s rheology, resulting in lost fluid volume and increased waste disposal at the end of the storage process. When an operator planned to use RheGuard V™ flat flat rheology drilling fluid system for an upcoming application, M-I SWACO needed to maintain fluid properties and ensure solids suspension for 6 weeks.

Plot of WateGuard additive maintaining stable SBM properties over a 6-week period.
Drilling fluid treated with WateGuard flat rheology suspension additive maintained stable mud weight over time compared with untreated fluid. Increased mud weight during storage, as shown in the baseline graph, can lead to solids buildup and loss of valuable product in the tank.

To prevent settling or separation in storage, M-I SWACO typically agitates or rolls the fluids in reserve tanks at the liquid mud plant. However, this method puts personnel and storage facilities at higher risk of spills. Even when fluids are stored correctly, barite sag results in lost fluid volume and a larger carbon footprint from fluid cleanout, transportation, and disposal.

M-I SWACO added WateGuard flat rheology suspension additive to a 500-bbl tank containing RheGuard V system. The WateGuard additive maintains the rheological values of heavy-weight, invert-emulsion fluids during extended storage—eliminating the need for rolling or agitation.
