Operator Grabs Hard-to-Get Fish with Debris Tool | SLB

Operator grabs hard-to-get fish using active debris removal tool

Gulf of Mexico, 美国, North America, 海上

An operator saved three days of rig time by teaming up with SLB for a fishing operation to recover 12‑ft‑long completion equipment lost in hole (LIH) in a Gulf of Mexico deepwater well. The operation proved to be challenging because of restrictions at the top of the packer, limited visibility, and lack of a fishing neck. In the end, the fish was successfully retrieved by using an electromechanical linear actuator that enabled a gradual increase of force and real-time guiding measurements to prevent damage to equipment.

During the completion of a deepwater well in the Gulf of Mexico, the service tool of the sand control system was LIH and found to be positioned on top of the closed lower completion isolation ball valve. The 12‑ft‑long fish did not have a fishing neck and its condition was unknown.

The installation of the completion was placed on hold because it was necessary to fish the completion equipment before resuming drillship activity. Because the grapple had a only 6‑in engagement space, debris was expected to be on top of the fish, requiring an active debris removal tool to access the completion equipment.

The ReSOLVE tool log of the real-time monitoring and dynamic tool control during fishing operations.
Using the ReSOLVE Family anchor–linear actuator and active debris removal tool, the operator and SLB monitored the real-time measurements and gradually increased the force applied to retrieve the 12-ft-long, neckless fish successfully.