API 6A flanged connections provide reliable frac fluid delivery
Improve overall operational efficiency and wellsite safety for multiwell pads stimulated using abrasive sand-laden fracturing fluids pumped at 100 bbl/min.
Deployment of Monoline™ flanged-connection fracturing fluid delivery technology improved rig-up time and connection integrity, but it is rated only for wells fractured at rates below 85 bbl/min. Wells requiring the higher rates continued to use conventional treating iron with hammer unions that are prone to mismatch, wear, and leakage, especially at high pressures.
MonoFlex technology is a robust and flexible high-pressure system with only two flanged connections—a significant reduction compared with the 12 to 30 required for conventional systems.
Within 3 months of deploying the MonoFlex technology with one frac crew, Chevron added the technology to a second crew. Reduced rig-up times saved Chevron 4.5 hours per well for a total savings of USD 108,000 per year. In addition, the sealing technology improved the integrity of the fluid delivery system, which eliminated NPT related to fixing fluid leaks in hammer union connections.
Deploying MonoFlex technology also eliminated the need for jumper lines and restraint systems, which could have been at least USD 580,000 in additional cost per year.