Operator Sees ROP Increase 54% in Offshore Malaysian Well | SLB

Operator Sees ROP Increase 54% in Offshore Malaysian Well

已发表: 04/19/2013

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Stick/slip prone formation threatens operation viability

While trying to drill 8 1/2-in well sections for a well in offshore Malaysia, an operator was experiencing problematic torsional vibration caused by a stick/slip-prone formation.

To increase operational progress, a Schlumberger drilling design team initiated an i-DRILL system design analysis to develop a BHA that would mitigate vibration and enhance drilling performance. The team divided their analysis into three parts.

1: Drilling data analysis. Drilling data that included drilling parameters, mud logs, dull pictures, and drilling reports from the from the first two wells were analyzed. Understanding the formation properties and how the bit behaved in the formation was enhanced through the use of DBOS optimization analysis. The data identified potential contributors to the drilling performance problem: interbedded formation, hard stringers, washouts in the hole, insufficient lubricity with water-based mud (WBM), and the use of a reaming stabilizer tool.

2: IDEAS platform analysis. To further investigate the operator’s problem, the IDEAS drillbit design platform was used to simulate drilling conditions that matched the application in which a BHA would be used. This effort revealed that the reaming stabilizer tool, which was initially used to help remove ledges, caused very high levels of lateral and torsional vibration. Accordingly, the BHA would perform much better and much more stable with a regular stabilizer instead of the reaming stabilizer tool.

Images - An 8½-in PDC with ONYX cutters and optimized BHA increased ROP by 54%.
An 8 1/2-in PDC with ONYX cutters and optimized BHA increased ROP by 54%.
Graph - The optimized BHA used in well 3 recorded a substantial increase in drilling performance.
The optimized BHA used in Well 3 recorded a substantial increase in drilling performance.

Part 3: Optimization. A bit was chosen and the BHA was further analyzed across a matrix of different weights on bit and parameters to determine an approach that would yield the highest ROP while staying within an acceptable vibration window.

The operator applied most of the i-DRILL design recommendations to drill the 8 1/2-in section for third well. The drilling data from that well clearly indicates a significant reduction in torsional vibration when compared with the amount of vibration experienced during the drilling of well one and two. Additionally, ROP on the third well increased 54% or from 7.8 m/h to 12.1 m/h.

Malaysia, 亚洲, 海上

Challenge: Improve ROP in an offshore area where operators drilling 8 ½-in sections have been plagued by problematic torsional vibration caused by high stick/slip formations.

Solution: Optimize BHA design using i-DRILL engineered drilling system design, IDEAS integrated drillbit design platform, and DBOS drillbit optimization system.

Results: Drilling data recorded a significant reduction in torsional vibration and a 54% increase in ROP.
