High-Temperature Malaysian S-Well Hits All Three Targets in One Run | SLB

High-Temperature Malaysian S-Well Hits All Three Targets in One Run

已发表: 05/01/2011

Blue hero texture

Drill challenging trajectory

An operator in Malaysia planned to drill two high-temperature (HT) wells in a region in which previous HT wells had been drilled vertically using pendulum assemblies. One of the planned wells had a challenging S-shape that was intended to hit three targets in a single run. Given the tight target tolerance, any failure would make achieving the drilling objective impossible.

Graphic: High-Temperature Malaysian S-Well Hits All Three Targets in One Run  -The PowerDrive X6 BHA of high-temperature-rated components achieved drilling objectives in hotter than 182 degC [360 degF].

Optimize drilling performance

Despite high downhole temperatures, the operator achieved his objective and hit all three targets in one run with a BHA that included PowerDrive X6 HT rotary steerable system, TeleScope HT high-speed telemetry-while-drilling service, and an arcVISION HT array resistivity compensated service. The TeleScope HT and arcVISION HT services provided direction and inclination, gamma ray, resistivity, and APWD annular pressure-while-drilling data, both in real-time and recorded modes. OSC operation support engineers, certified in high-temperature operations, monitored fingerprinting and staging operations to help optimize drilling performance and maintain tool temperature as long and low as possible.

Survive high temperatures

Static well temperature for the entire 70 h of drilling was more than 182 degC [360 degF], and the circulating temperature peaked at 155 degC [311 degF]. Despite those high temperatures, the well was drilled as planned and all drilling and logging objectives were achieved.

The PowerDrive X6 HT assembly, incorporating TeleScope HT and arcVISION HT services, drilled the complex well profile in temperatures exceeding 182 degC [360 degF].

Malaysia, 亚洲, 海上

Challenge: Drill S-shaped well to hit three targets with one run in high temperatures

Solution: Use BHA incorporating PowerDrive X6 HT rotary steerable system with TeleScope HT high-speed telemetry-while-drilling and arcVISION HT array resistivity compensated service, which acquires APWD annular pressure while drilling

Results: Achieved all drilling and logging objectives despite maximum circulating temperatures of 155 degC [311 degF] and static temperatures exceeding 182 degC [360 degF]
