Improve penetration rates and downhole control with our ridged 3D cutting element bit.
已发表: 10/01/2019
已发表: 10/01/2019
Northeast Natural Energy wanted to improve operational efficiency and well quality in drilling a long tangent section, a high-DLS curve section, and a long 8,682-ft lateral.
The operator was going to use two BHAs due to the high performance required to successfully drill these sections according to plan. However, this well had the largest step-out on the pad and required kicking off at 56° inclination for 3,160 ft and drilling through abrasive sandstone.
Schlumberger recommended using the NeoSteer CLx ABSS with AxeBlade ridged diamond element bit and the xBolt G2 accelerated drilling service to drill the tangent, steep curve, and long lateral in one run.
The NeoSteer CLx ABSS drilled 13,819-ft MD through all three sections and reduced the tortuosity of the complex well trajectory while staying 91% in a 4-ft zone, compared with most wells with a 10- to 20-ft window. This percentage includes the footage at the heel where the wellbore was soft landed. Throughout the drilling process, azimuthal image and dip picking helped the wellbore stay in zone through formation changes. Using the NeoSteer CLx ABSS instead of the traditional two-BHA strategy also enabled Northeast Natural Energy to maintain a high ROP because the operator was able to avoid sliding.
The NeoSteer CLx extreme curve and lateral at-bit steerable system (ABSS) enabled Northeast Natural Energy to drill tangent, high-DLS curve, and long lateral sections through hard formations without compromising ROP or pulling out to change the BHA.