Solve for Three Fluid Phases to Identify Fluid Entry | SLB

Solve for Three Fluid Phases to Identify Fluid Entry

已发表: 06/18/2008

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One-trip characterization of complex flow profiles

Running the RSTPro reservoir saturation tool and FloView Plus holdup measurement tool on the same string delivers a definitive characterization of the fluid flow profile in horizontal and highly deviated wells. This unique insight comes from comparison of the TPHL holdup log, computed from RSTPro tool measurements, with data from the FloView Plus tool.

Graph: Solve for Three Fluid Phases to Identify Fluid Entry
The TPHL three-phase holdup log computed from measurements by the RSPro tool is insensitive to fluid velocity.

Insight into all three phases

On the right of the gamma ray and depth track, Track 2 displays water holdup from the FloView Plus tool and TPHL log runs. Stationary measurements and continuous logging results are plotted from both. Tracks 3 and 4 are TPHL log oil and gas holdup data. Track 4 is the FloView Plus two-phase measurement plotted along the trajectory of the horizontal section of the wellbore. Track 6 is a similar plot of TPHL log holdup data for all three phases along the wellbore trajectory. Track 7 is a flow rate profile computed from TPHL log holdup data and the FloView Plus tool's velocity measurements. The perforated interval is indicated between Tracks 6 and 7.

Flow profile answers

The water holdup plots of the TPHL log and FloView Plus tool's data agree well over most of the interval. Above XX,500 ft, however, the FloView Plus tool is unable to measure the small water flow values because of high water velocity and low holdup. The highest point in the horizontal section of the well occurs at approximately XX,560 ft. Little fluid is produced from below that point, resulting in high water holdup in the bottom of the well. From XX,560 to XX,800 ft, where the fluids are flowing downward, oil and water travel faster than gas and, consequently, have lower relative holdup rates. The insensitivity of the TPHL log's measurement to fluid velocity or droplet size makes it possible to detect condensate in mist flow or, as in this case, high-velocity water flow at low holdup. Above XX,800 ft, the well becomes more vertical, slowing the oil flow and increasing its holdup.

Graph: Solve for Three Fluid Phases to Identify Fluid Entry
Combined display of the FloView Plus tool’s flow imaging and fluid phase analysis from the RSTPro tool provides complementary information to confirm the flow profile in the horizontal well.

Challenge: Fluid stratification in horizontal wells makes the flow profile difficult to measure. Conventional methods used to determine fluid entry in vertical wells are ineffective

Solution: The TPHL three-phase fluid holdup log from the RSTPro reservoir saturation tool is not sensitive to fluid velocity or droplet size, so measurement is not compromised by changes in water velocity and holdup

Results: Diagnosed fluid holdup in relation to entry points on the flow profile from the TPHL log confirmed by data from the FloView Plus holdup measurement tool
