HEAVY-DUTY RAZOR BACK Tool Cuts Scraper Trip, Saves $200,000 | SLB

HEAVY-DUTY RAZOR BACK Tool Cuts Scraper Trip, Saves $200,000

已发表: 10/03/2011

Blue hero texture

“Besides saving costs on the three wells, the system also gave us early oil delivery. It really was a huge success.” —Senior Well Completion Engineer

Well Information  
Well Information Location   Malaysia
Well Information Date   April 2010
Well Information Tool type   HEAVY-DUTY RAZOR BACK advanced casing cleaning tool
Well Information Casing size   7-in 29 lbm/ft
Well Information Perforation intervals, MD
  2,345–2,360 m [7,692–7,741 ft] and 2,425–2,492 m [7,954–8,174 ft]
Well Information Bottomhole temperature   114 degC [238 degF]


An operator offshore Malaysia recognized the benefit of combining a tubing-conveyed perforating run with a well preparation run. The aim was to eliminate a dedicated trip to scrape the casing across the perforated interval, thus saving rig time and costs. In addition, this operation would allow the well to be completed and brought on line sooner.


M-I SWACO was chosen to provide its extremely rugged HEAVY-DUTY RAZOR BACK tool. The tool was selected for this dynamic underbalanced perforating job on the basis of its outstanding ability to withstand harsh conditions and its robust design credentials. A 7-in HEAVY-DUTY RAZOR BACK tool would be placed in the workstring and run behind the tailored perforating equipment that would be used to perforate two sand intervals. This setup would permit casing preparation both pre- and postperforating while reducing the time the well would be exposed to a solids-laden fluid loss control system, thus minimizing any potential formation damage in the reservoir.


The operation went as planned, the intervals were perforated as required, and the casing walls prepared and readied for the completion string as programmed. This operation saved the 16 hours tripping time that had been required on previous wells. The operator achieved an estimated net saving of $200,000 by eliminating the trip.

Malaysia, 亚洲, 海上

Challenge: Combine tubing-conveyed perforating run with a well preparation run. 

Solution: Use extremely rugged HEAVY-DUTY RAZOR BACK advanced casing cleaning tool.


  • Perforated intervals as required, prepared casing walls, and readied the completion string as programmed.
  • Saved the 16 hours' tripping time that had been required on previous wells.