World Natural Gas Leader Improves Data Management with New Workflows | SLB

World Natural Gas Leader Improves Data Management with New Workflows

已发表: 11/07/2013

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A leading natural gas producer in Norway had been storing significant volumes of varied wellhead data from its national data repository on disk, for use with the Petrel E&P software platform. As a result, it was difficult and time consuming for the company's geoscientists and data managers to get an overview and determine if data was missing, whether it was correct, and evaluate its quality. This led to project delays, frustration, and a lack of confidence in the well data.

Combined solution

It was agreed that a solution built around the ProSource E&P data management and delivery system and the InnerLogix data quality management solution would help the company better understand and manage their exploration and production data.

The team implemented a new datastore—based on ProSource and InnerLogix software—that enabled users to define rule sets and quality-control tasks to verify data presence, attributes, and quality. The results of these measurements are displayed in reports in the form of a sigma score, allowing data managers to pinpoint issues and make any required fixes or updates in the datastore before it reaches the end user.

Following quality checks, InnerLogix software enables automatic well data transfer from the datastore to the Petrel platform, ensuring project data is always current and accurate.

World Natural Gas Leader Improves Data Management with New Workflows
Automated updates and quality workflows keep Petrel projects up to date, while improving data integrity.
World Natural Gas Leader Improves Data Management with New Workflows
Data discrepancies are easily identified and corrected in the datastore environment.

Improved confidence

With the improved data management strategy and workflows in place, the company benefits from greater well data integrity. Standardized templates have streamlined the data-loading process, ensuring that mandatory attributes are present before any new data can be loaded. Automated data updates and quality workflows make certain that Petrel projects are updated every day, and that all data is quality checked before entering the end-user environment.

Well data quality scores improved from 2.9 to 4.4 sigma within four months, and are expected to continue to improve as more data is made available for the existing wells, further boosting data confidence. Any discrepancies are easily and quickly identified, ensuring Petrel users at the company do not waste time on data management tasks, and projects are not delayed.

“The new solution—based on ProSource and InnerLogix software—has resulted in increased project data quality and confidence. Accurate measurements make it very easy to spot and correct data discrepancies, ensuring projects are not delayed.”

Data Manager, Leading natural gas producer, Norway

Norway, Europe, 海上


  • Large volumes of wellhead data stored on disk
  • Difficult and time consuming to review and manage data quality
  • Project delays and low confidence in project data


  • New data management solution implemented, based on ProSource and InnerLogix software


  • Well data quality scores up by over 50% within four months
  • Improved data integrity and confidence
  • Automated data updates and quality workflows keep Petrel projects current and accurate
  • Data discrepancies easily identified and corrected in datastore environment
  • Projects delays reduced