Data from Field Takeover Efficiently Migrated into Wintershall Norge’s Studio Environment | SLB

Data from Field Takeover Efficiently Migrated into Wintershall Norge’s Studio Environment

已发表: 09/21/2015

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Operatorship transfer of the Vega oil and gas field

Wintershall has oil and gas exploration and production operations in Europe, North Africa, South America, Russia, the Caspian Sea region, and the Middle East. Active for over 80 years, the company recently considerably expanded activities in Norway through its subsidiary Wintershall Norge. Wintershall Norge is one of the most successful oil and gas companies on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS), which has become one of the core regions in Wintershall's global portfolio.

In March 2015, Wintershall formally took over from Statoil as operator of the Vega oil and gas field, which became the company's first operated subsea tie-in field in Norway. It is located in the Norwegian section of the North Sea and tied back to the Gjøa platform, 28 km to the east. Production of Vega field started in 2010.

One of the first tasks Wintershall needed to complete in preparation for its new operatorship was the migration of Statoil's well, seismic, well log, and interpretation database, into its live Studio E&P knowledge environment. The imported data needed to be merged with existing Wintershall information from the Vega field and the result compiled into a unified dataset before migration to the Studio environment.

Proprietary tools for efficient migration

Schlumberger has developed proprietary tools to provide a simplified LEAN Six Sigma process for the migration of data into the Studio environment. The tools help in all three phases of a data migration project: assessment, design, and implementation. Schlumberger information management professionals used these tools to quickly and smoothly transition the Vega data. Integrating all of the Vega data in to the operational Studio environment was completed within 20 days. The imported data included 51 3D seismic cubes, 15 wells, 892 log curves, 85 3D horizons, 372 faults, and 19 surfaces.

Data from Field Takeover Efficiently Migrated into Wintershall Norge’s Studio Environment

Unified dataset in the live Studio environment

Schlumberger delivered a unified dataset compiled from all the provided external and internal data as required by Wintershall. The Vega data that went live in Wintershall's Studio environment met all of the company's specified standards and criteria for wells, seismic data, global well logs, and interpretations. This successful project represented the first migration from the other database system into a live Studio environment performed in Norway.

Data from Field Takeover Efficiently Migrated into Wintershall Norge’s Studio Environment
A wide variety of well, seismic, and interpretation data from the Vega field was successfully migrated into the Studio environment.
North Sea, Norway, Europe, 海上

Challenge: Accurately and efficiently migrate database and integrate it with existing internal data in the company's operational Studio environment.

Solution: Use proprietary data migration tool set and the Studio E&P knowledge environment’s information management services to quickly and reliably transition the data.

Results: All data imported into Wintershall’s live Studio environment within 20 days to create a unified dataset of external and internal Vega data adhering to required standards.
