BroadBand Sequence Service Boosts Production and Efficiency for Apache Corporation in the Anadarko Basin | SLB

BroadBand Sequence Service Boosts Production and Efficiency for Apache Corporation in the Anadarko Basin

已发表: 08/13/2015

Blue hero texture

Well with poor zonal isolation presented unique stimulation challenges

In the Anadarko basin’s Cottage Grove Formation, Apache Corporation usually completes wells with horizontal laterals and the plug-and-perf technique. However, in one well, unforeseen operational issues resulted in an uncemented 3,300-ft [1,006-m] lateral. Because BroadBand Sequence fracturing service can enhance lateral coverage in any completion type, including cemented and open hole, Schlumberger proposed using it to improve the distribution of effective fractures over the entire length of the lateral.

Sequenced fracturing maximized effective stimulated volume, minimized completion time

The well was successfully stimulated with BroadBand Sequence fracturing service using 20 fracturing stages and 12 composite pills. The service optimized the number of fractures along the wellbore by sequentially isolating and stimulating each zone. Using a temporary, dissolvable composite pill, the BroadBand Sequence service reduced the number of plug-and-perf intervals—along with the respective bridge plugs and wireline runs.

Apache enhanced production and operational efficiency

Overall, Apache reduced the number of planned perforated intervals from 20 to 10, avoided half  the wireline runs, and eliminated the need for 10 bridge plugs. Enhanced efficiency helped reduce completion time from 72 hours to just 52 hours.

Flow Scanner horizontal and deviated well production logging system confirmed that all 10 intervals were contributing to well production—despite the lack of zonal isolation. After 100 days in production, the well stimulated with BroadBand Sequence fracturing service yielded 104% and 58% higher normalized cumulative oil production than the nearby offset wells, which were completed conventionally.

Graph - After a 100-day period, cumulative oil production normalized by lateral length was up to 104% higher for the  well completed using BroadBand Sequence fracturing service.
After a 100-day period, cumulative oil production normalized by lateral length was up to 104% higher for the well completed using BroadBand Sequence fracturing service.
Tracer Log results indicate that the BroadBand Sequence service delivered complete wellbore coverage
Tracer Log results indicate that the BroadBand Sequence service delivered complete wellbore coverage.
Flow Scanner system results show that all 10 intervals were contributing to production
Flow Scanner system results show that all 10 intervals were contributing to production.

Challenge: Stimulate a horizontal well with no cement in the lateral.

Solution: Optimize wellbore coverage and reservoir contact using BroadBand Sequence fracturing service.


  • Increased normalized well production by 104% and 58% compared with offset wells
  • Reduced planned number of perforated intervals from 20 to 10 and bridge plugs from 19 to 9
  • Decreased completion time by 28%