Improve multistage fracturing efficiency by limiting stage-to-stage communication behind the casing.
已发表: 10/28/2019
已发表: 10/28/2019
Drilling fluid channels in the horizontal laterals enable fracturing fluid and energy to migrate behind the casing, reducing fracture efficiency and well production potential.
The operator followed industry-accepted cementing best practices, including running centralizers.
Adding Fulcrum technology to the cement in the horizontal section reduces leftover drilling fluid mobility. Engineers also recommended that the operator analyze fracture development with microseismic measurements, and monitor well production.
After identical zipper-frac stimulation, microseismic analysis found that fracture length in the well cemented with Fulcrum technology was on average 44% greater and more uniform throughout the well as compared with those in one of the conventionally cemented wells.
In the first year of production, the well cemented using Fulcum technology produced 13.4% more fluids as compared with the average of the other two wells, giving the operator an increment of at least 40,000 bbl of oil.