MaxCO3 Acid System Helps Nonproductive Well Achieve Sustained Production of 175 m3/d | SLB

MaxCO3 Acid System Helps Nonproductive Well Achieve Sustained Production of 175 m3/d

已发表: 01/16/2012

Blue hero texture

PEMEX wanted to stimulate production from nonproductive well

The Cardenas field, located in the southern region of Mexico, is characterized by deep, hot, mature carbonate reservoirs. Most wells are completed with multiple perforated intervals. However, not all intervals have the same density of natural fractures or vugular porosity. The dimensions of the vugs and fractures can range from centimeters across to hundreds of feet long. This creates extreme permeability contrasts that make achieving uniform acid stimulation challenging.

After PEMEX perforated and completed one particular Cardenas well, it gave no production at all. With neighboring wells producing up to 400 m3/d, the operator decided to apply a treatment to stimulate the nonproductive well. When the initial stimulation with solvent did not improve production, PEMEX ran a full spectroscopy memory log. The log revealed a vuggy thief zone with a permeability of more than 1 D in the middle interval. Core samples showed that vugular zones represented 5 to 15% of the pore volume. The fluids in the previous treatment had presumably leaked into the open cavities rather than treating the hydrocarbon-bearing zones.

Graph of Treatment report that indicates good diversion indicated by a surface pressure increase as MAXCO3 is injected into the thief zone.
Treatment report indicates good diversion indicated by a surface pressure increase as MAXCO3 is injected into the thief zone.

MaxCO3 Acid diverted fluid from thief zone while stimulating target zones

Schlumberger proposed MaxCO3 Acid degradable diversion acid to help ensure treatment fluid placement into the three intervals—one hydrocarbon-bearing zone located above and below the thief zone. The MaxCO3 Acid self-diverting stimulation system incorporates degradable fiber and nondamaging acid to stimulate target zones while temporarily diverting acid from highpermeability zones. The fibers degrade completely with time, ensuring production contribution from diverted areas post treatment.

PEMEX realized stabilized production of 175 m3/d

The acid stimulation treatment involved 12 stages, starting with a 30 m3 MaxCO3 Acid stage to quickly minimize the impact of the fracture thief zone. The fiber-laden stage obstructed the fracture long enough to effectively stimulate the target zones. Initial production reached 111 m3/d, eventually stabilizing at 175 m3/d. A subsequent production log showed contribution from the upper interval and minor contributions from the lower intervals.

Mexico, North America, 陆上

Challenge: Stimulate oil production from three target intervals despite a thief zone with permeability greater than 1 Darcy.

Solution: Apply MaxCO3 Acid degradable diversion acid to stimulate target intervals and divert fluid from unwanted zones without reducing production from natural fractures.

Results: Realized a sustained production of 175 m3/d—up from zero m3/d previously.
