Signature Gauges Enabled by Muzic Wireless Telemetry Obtain Real-Time Data from Lower Completion | SLB

Signature Gauges Enabled by Muzic Wireless Telemetry Obtain Real-Time Data from Lower Completion

已发表: 07/24/2015

Blue hero texture

Acquire high-quality pressure data

When performing drillstem tests, the ability to acquire high-quality pressure data for pressure transient analysis depends on both the location and the metrological performance of the gauges. With conventional installation of memory gauges above the perforation interval, the recorded gauge data can be affected by high-pressure drop in the tubing, string movement, liquid dropout, and fluid segregation effects in the wellbore during pressure buildup. These operational variabilities can mask the actual reservoir pressure response and, quite often, can lead to misinterpretation of well test data or misunderstanding of the reservoir structure.

Many of these issues can be solved by installing memory gauges as close as possible to the reservoir; however this approach is difficult to implement in wells with permanent lower completions utilizing sand screens or gravel packs. Another challenge is the inability to retrieve the information from the memory gauges without pulling out of hole.

Use Signature gauges enabled by Muzic telemetry

For real-time pressure measurements from gauges located close to the reservoir, Schlumberger engineers recommend using Signature quartz gauges enabled by Muzic wireless telemetry. Signature gauges are designed to deliver the best pressure data in any environment, even under the most hostile conditions. This capability was important for an operator conducting a DST because the intensive shock that would be posed by the perforation guns can damage downhole tools.

For constant communication with the gauges throughout the flow test, Muzic wireless telemetry enabled the operator to obtain real-time pressure measurements while monitoring and controlling the downhole reservoir test. This allows for real-time pressure data verification and better-informed decision making.

Graph of pressure measurement by Signature gauges in the lower completion showing no adverse affects from the the noisy environment.
Pressure measurement by Signature gauges in the lower completion showing no adverse affects from the the noisy environment.
Photo of the Signature quartz gauge
The Signature quartz gauge

Retrieved valuable downhole data for pressure transient analysis

During the high-rate well test, bottomhole pressure data was successfully obtained at a fast scanning rate with high resolution and accuracy. Two Signature gauges were clamped on the pipe at the lower completion 20 m above the reservoir and perforation guns. After the well was perforated with 145 ft of 7-in guns, the guns were immediately released to provide clear passage between the reservoir and the lower completion string.

Using Signature gauges enabled by Muzic acoustic telemetry during the DST enabled constant communication with the gauges throughout the  flow test, allowing the operator to retrieve valuable downhole data for pressure transient analysis.


Challenge: Acquire high-quality, continuous data during a drillstem test (DST) despite shock interference from the perforating guns

Solution: Use Signature quartz gauges enabled by Muzic wireless telemetry to obtain the best pressure data despite the noisy operating environment


  • Acquired real-time, accurate bottomhole pressure data at a fast scanning rate
  • Maintained constant communication with the gauges throughout the flow test
  • Retrieved valuable downhole data for pressure transient analysis