Cementing: Taking in Lessons Learned | SLB

Cementing: Taking in Lessons Learned

已发表: 03/26/2013

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Hydrocarbon production is a risky business, and nowhere is this more evident than in the deepest waters on the planet, where some of the brightest prospects for the future lie miles beneath the surface. High pressures and temperatures, extended laterals, and unstable reservoirs are among the critical challenges operators face in the vast frontier that includes the Gulf of Mexico and West Africa. With that in mind, an industrywide effort has been under way to minimize the risk and ensure that the necessary systems and processes are in place to make deepwater and ultra-deepwater development safe and efficient. In an effort to ensure safety and minimize human error, service companies such as Schlumberger have put in place their own risk management procedures regarding deepwater cementing while continuing to develop new technologies and enhance existing services.

Cementing: Taking in Lessons Learned
Gulf of Mexico, West Africa, 海上
Katie Mazerov, Contributing Editor
Drilling Contractor
Deep Water Cementing