Deepwater Isolation ShallowWater Flow Hazards Test Cement in Marco Polo | SLB

Deepwater Isolation, Shallow-Water Flow Hazards Test Cement in Marco Polo

已发表: 01/01/2004

Concrete blue texture

Cement integrity achieved in the Gulf of Mexico Marco Polo development in Green Canyon block 608 is putting innovative slurry systems on the map of sought-after technologies for deepwater plays. These new slurries help reduce the known risk of shallow flow and combat possible formation of gas hydrates. While Anadarko considered conventional foamed slurries in the planning phase of this 20-in conductor at 4,000 ft below the mudline in 4,300-ft water depth, new cementing technologies were selected to heighten certainty of cement integrity in the presence of hazards prevalent in the deepwater GoM. The Marco Polo development, currently the deepest commercial play for Anadarko, is 150 mi from the Louisiana coast. To date, six 20-in surface and six 9 5/8-in production casing strings have been cemented. The cements were mixed on the fly with no placement problems and no flows after cementing, and leakoff tests have been better than anticipated. Selection of Schlumberger DeepCRETE deepwater cementing slurry over the predominate foamed cement for the six 20-in surface casing strings saved Anadarko about USD 600,000 on the exploratory well and subsequent development wells that were cemented as a group.

Deepwater Isolation, Shallow-Water Flow Hazards Test Cement in Marco Polo
Gulf of Mexico, 美国, North America, 海上
Offshore Magazine
Deep Water