New Test Probe Yields Key Reservoir Answers | SLB

New Test Probe Yields Key Reservoir Answers

已发表: 08/12/2013

Concrete blue texture

Specifically designed to acquire pressure tests and formation fluid samples from zones previously considered to be untestable, the Saturn 3D radial probe is the latest complementary addition to the Modular Formation Dynamics Tester (MDT) from Schlumberger. The module’s inflatable self-sealing drain assemby conforms to rugose well bores to achieve and maintain a hydraulic seal for the duration of the test. With almost 80 in2 of surface area, the four orthogonally mounted probes cut testing time significantly, even in fluids where mobility approaches 0.01 md/cp. All standard MDT functions are available, including pump-out module, InSitu Fluid Analyzer (IFA) and multiple sample chambers.

In Mexico, an unconsolidated sandstone containing 7.5 API oil was successfully sampled with 12% borehole ovality. In the North Sea, an operator used the IFA to characterize viscous crude on a tight timetable to solve critical flow assurance issues.

New Test Probe Yields Key Reservoir Answers
North Sea, Mexico, North America, 海上
Journal of Petroleum Technology
Surface Logging & Wireline Carbonates Deep Water Exploration Heavy Oil & Tar Sands