Leveraging Digitalization for Fugitive Emission Detection, Remediation | SLB

Leveraging Digitalization for Fugitive Emission Detection, Remediation

已发表: 03/01/2021

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Invariably, upstream, midstream and downstream oil and gas operations release some Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions into the atmosphere. GHG emissions can be a result of vented or fugitive emissions. Vented emissions refer to intentional releases of gas into the atmosphere as part of normal operations. Fugitive emissions refer to unintentional gas releases resulting from leaks or malfunctioning or improperly maintained equipment.

Directly addressing fugitive emissions via detection and remediation solutions provides a low-risk / high-yield opportunity to reduce environmental impact. Further, amidst an investment-limited climate, curbing fugitive emissions translates to ensuring more gas stays in the system, thus increasing profitability.

In the article, Schlumberger’s Kiona Y. Meade and Gary W. Sams explain how a data-driven approach to fugitive gas detection and remediation provides an effective means to extract the most value from oil and gas operations while minimizing environmental impact, thus helping to secure the industry’s long-term license to operate.

Download the PDF to read the full article.

This article originally appeared in the March 2021 issue of Pipeline.
Kiona Y. Meade and Gary W. Sams, Schlumberger
Mid- & Downstream Processing & Separation Production Systems Valves