All-Electric Subsea Well Brings Benefits vs. Traditional Hydraulic Technology | SLB

All-Electric Subsea Well Brings Benefits vs. Traditional Hydraulic Technology

已发表: 04/02/2018

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Currently, the state of the art for subsea well control is based on hydraulic technology. Hydraulic fluid is supplied from a host facility to the subsea wells through dedicated tubes within an umbilical and is distributed to the wells. Shifting that trend, K5F3, the world’s first all-electric well in the subsea industry, opened to production on 4 August 2016. This paper presents the benefits of electric subsea control compared with current state-of-the-art hydraulic methods.

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All-Electric Subsea Well Brings Benefits vs Traditional Hydraulic Technology JPT Article Cover
This article originally appeared in the April 2018 issue of JPT.
Thomas Schwerdtfeger, Total E&P Netherlands; Bruce Scott, Halliburton; Jan van den Akker, OneSubsea
Journal of Petroleum Technology
Production Systems Subsea Production Deep Water