Integrated HighDensity PointSource PointReceiver Land Seismic | SLB

Integrated High-Density Point-Source, Point-Receiver Land Seismic

已发表: 06/01/2013

Concrete blue texture

Advances in computer hardware and software have allowed many processing shortcuts and approximations to be reduced. Processes that have now become viable for application to large 3-D datasets include prestack depth migration (PSDM), which can improve imaging in complex geological environments. An onshore 3-D seismic survey was acquired using an ultra-high channel point-receiver recording system and broadband source in a difficult geological and logistical environment in a structural exploration play at the edge of the prolific oil-prone Arabian plate. An advanced processing sequence was applied to the data, including PSDM using reverse time migration (RTM). The results show improvement in event continuity and focusing compared to the equivalent field brute stack and prestack time migrated (PSTM) volumes. Imaging directly into the depth domain has enabled a revised and more accurate geological model of the survey area.

Integrated High-Density Point-Source, Point-Receiver Land Seismic
阿拉伯联合酋长国, 亚洲, 陆上
Exploration Seismic