Well Integrity—Expert View | SLB

Well Integrity—Expert View

已发表: 02/10/2010

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Cement placement is a critical component of well architecture for ensuring casing mechanical support, protection from fluid corrosion, and most importantly isolating permeable zones at different pressure regimes in order to prevent hydraulic communication.

It has been estimated that 1% of the total operating costs of the petroleum industry could be saved by the correct application of existing corrosion protection technology.

By predicting problem areas, prevention budgets may be spent wisely. It is worthwhile to monitor for weak points since corrosion or damage prevention is cheaper than repair. Finally, precise identification of failure can be used to minimize repair expense.

Read the interview of Salim Taoutaou, business development manager, Middle East & Asia, that appeared in Oil & Gas Middle East.

Read the Oil & Gas Middle East Article
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Middle East
Salim Taoutaou, Business Development Manager, Middle East & Asia, Schlumberger
Middle East Oil & Gas Technology Review
Cementing Domain Expertise