REDA Maximus Systems with REDA Continuum Stages Increase Production by 70% in the Bakken Shale | SLB

REDA Maximus Systems with REDA Continuum Stages Increase Production by 70% in the Bakken Shale

已发表: 05/12/2017

Concrete blue texture
Graph: REDA Maximus Systems with REDA Continuum Stages Increase Production by 70% in the Bakken Shale
Due to their wide operating envelope and ability to handle production decline, Continuum stages were used in the all-weather Maximus systems. The rest of the completions included the motor and protector, a gas handler, Vortex gas separator, and a Phoenix xt150 system multisensor gauge. The systems were configured for immediate installation at the wellsite, eliminating the risk of motor contamination and human error during equipment assembly. Production increased 36%–70% compared with the initial forecast, and the Maximus systems with Continuum stages enabled more than 70% pressure drawdown. They continued operating beyond their recommended flow range, saving rig time while handling high solids and increasing gas/liquid ratio.
Bakken Formation, 美国, North America

Well 1: Temperature
180 degF
Pump setting depth
8,680 ft
Well 2: Temperature
190 degF
Pump setting depth
8,6830 ft
Well 3: Temperature
182 degF
Pump setting depth
8,611 ft
Well 4: Temperature
180 degF
Pump setting depth
8,432 ft

Four wells in the Bakken Shale were initially expected to produce 3,000 bbl/d. Although most ESPs are available with stages for this flow rate, the steep production decline, solids and gas production, and initial high flow rate made it a challenging environment for conventional ESPs.