Frontera Energy Uses Integrated Schlumberger Technologies to Reduce Drilling Costs by USD 900,00 | SLB

Frontera Energy Uses Integrated Schlumberger Technologies to Reduce Drilling Costs by USD 900,00

已发表: 09/24/2018

Concrete blue texture

Frontera deployed a BHA fitted with the EnduroBlade 360 bit and a PowerDrive Xceed RSS for the 14¾-in section. The BHA withstood 225 circulating hours and achieved an average ROP of 20 ft/h. A single bit was used for the section, rather than the normal three conventional bits used in offsets, eliminating a planned trip and saving USD 400,000.

Similarly, the BHA for the 10 5/8-in × 12-in section also used an EnduroBlade 360 bit, along with a Rhino XC reamer. A PowerDrive Orbit RSS was used due to its superior directional drilling control. The result was 248 circulating hours with an average ROP of 15 ft/h, reducing planned rig time by 2.5 days for a savings of USD 500,000.

Schlumberger technologies reduced overall drilling time by 12 days for a total savings of USD 900,000.

Graph showing how operator lowers drilling time and eliminates planned runs using EnduroBlade 360 bits
Llanos Orientales Basin, Colombia, South America, 陆上


Shale, sandstone, and siltstone

Well type

Hole sizes
14 3/4 in
10 5/8 × 12 in

Frontera Energy Corporation conducted an exploratory campaign in the Llanos basin of Colombia, which included a well penetrating the Carbonera formation. Premature bit wear was anticipated due to the interbedded layers of sandstone, shale and siltstone. Consequently, Frontera planned two runs for the 14 3/4-in section. The formation presented an additional challenge because the 10 5/8-in × 12-in section required borehole enlargement while drilling, subjecting the reamer blocks as well as the bit to the same abrasive conditions.