Hydraulic Drilling Jar Frees Drillstring in 45 min, Averting Sidetrack in West Texas | SLB

Hydraulic Drilling Jar Frees Drillstring in 45 min, Averting Sidetrack in West Texas

已发表: 04/09/2014

Concrete blue texture
Chart showing: Hydraulic Drilling Jar Frees Drillstring in 45 min, Averting Sidetrack in West Texas
Chart Legend
A modeling from the Runner drillstring analysis program showed the optimal BHA jar placement yielding the peak impact and total impulse forces to overcome the stuck pipe mechanism.
美国, North America, 陆上

Cruz De Lorena Field


Hole size
8 1/2 in


A West Texas operator wanted to reduce top drive damage resulting from jarring operations and increase the likelihood of success if the BHA became stuck while drilling the Atoka Shale section.
