NeoSteer CL ABSS and xBolt G2 Service Achieve 450-ft/h Instantaneous ROP | SLB

NeoSteer CL ABSS and xBolt G2 Service Achieve 450-ft/h Instantaneous ROP

已发表: 09/30/2019

Concrete blue texture
Drilling ROP graphic from Marcellus Shale job using a PowerDrive xCL at-bit steerable system (ABSS).
Using a NeoSteer CL ABSS, Schlumberger kicked off from a cement plug to drill the curve and lateral through a complex geologic area. Throughout the run, instantaneous ROP was frequently measured at 450 ft/h. Continuous automatic hold inclination and azimuth, combined with near-bit directional sensors and gamma measurements, enabled the team to maintain the wellbore 100% within zone. Additionally, the combined technologies in the BHA not only minimized DLS and tortuosity in the lateral, but also delivered azimuthal target updates across multiple drilling cycles, enabling the team to drill around a hardline. This well represented the longest single run to date with the NeoSteer CL ABSS, drilling 17,463 ft of curve and lateral sections.
Marcellus Shale, Appalachian Basin, 美国, North America, 陆上

Appalachian Basin
Washington County, Pennsylvania

Marcellus Shale


Hole size
8 1/2 in

5,800 ft [1,767 m]

Run Length
15,462 ft [5,323 m]

Total Depth
22,040 ft [6,718 m]


An operator requested that Schlumberger provide single-run directional services for the curve and horizontal sections of a well in the Marcellus Shale. The team recommended a BHA incorporating several advanced Schlumberger and Smith Bits technologies to deliver high dogleg severity (DLS) in the curve, while yielding high ROP and low DLS in the lateral.
