Petrobras Achieves Inclination of Less 0.04° in 1,102-m Salt Interval in Deep Water Offshore Brazil | SLB

Petrobras Achieves Inclination of Less 0.04° in 1,102-m Salt Interval in Deep Water Offshore Brazil

已发表: 03/30/2015

Concrete blue texture
Petrobras Achieves Inclination of Less than 0.04° in 1,102-m Salt Interval in Deep Water, Offshore Brazil - PowerDrive Orbit RSS maintains precise directional control for minimized torque, drag, and casing wear

Petrobras achieved an inclination of less than 0.04°, maintaining verticality while drilling through 1,102 m of salt with the PowerDrive Orbit RSS. As a result, Petrobras minimized torque, drag, and casing wear, which was critical to the success of subsequent hole sections. The design of the PowerDrive Orbit RSS enabled precise directional control and high tolerance to heavy mud weight with automatic hold inclination and azimuth capability and metal-to-metal seals on the bias unit.

Brazil, South America, 海上
Salt drilling

Hole size
17 1/2 in
Less than 0.04°
Interval length
1,102 m [3,615 ft]
Estimated tortuosity of interval


Precise directional control was needed to maintain verticality while drilling through 1,102 m of salt during a Petrobras deepwater exploration well campaign in a formation that requires heavy mud weight.
