Sidetrack Solution Saves Slot | SLB

Sidetrack Solution Saves Slot

已发表: 05/27/2021

Concrete blue texture
PowerPak trajectory
Using a jetting BHA, the operator successfully initiated the A-15 sidetrack and kickoff from the cement plug with a 1.83° bent jetting BHA, which safely eliminated tracking A-16 casing and positioned the well to the right azimuth. The 1.5° bent motor executed an average of –26°/100-ft turn rate with good directional control. In addition to saving the slot, the operator ran the casing to bottom and successfully cemented the casing.
Middle East, 海上

Middle East

Limestone, claystone, gypsum, and dolomite

Hole size
16 in

An operator in the Middle East was concerned about the likelihood of losing the A-15 slot after the conductor pipe hammering went in the wrong direction. Deviation from the planned trajectory could lead to tophole collision in addition to losing the slot.