StethoScope Service Reveals Reservoir Connectivity, Confirms Oil Presence in Carbonate Field | SLB

StethoScope Service Reveals Reservoir Connectivity, Confirms Oil Presence in Carbonate Field

已发表: 01/30/2017

Concrete blue texture
Pressure points acquired on three wells identified connectivity among separate blocks; pressure points acquired in the 12¼-in section resulted in higher values than those acquired in the 8½-in section. Continuous real-time support enabled detection of a thin oil leg between Final Drawdown Mobility thick gas and water zones, helping the operator better understand 0.2 mD/cP 2,000 and characterize the reservoir.
Pressure points acquired on three wells identified connectivity among separate blocks; pressure points acquired in the 12¼-in section resulted in higher values than those acquired in the 8½-in section. Continuous real-time support enabled detection of a thin oil leg between Final Drawdown Mobility thick gas and water zones, helping the operator better understand 0.2 mD/cP 2,000 and characterize the reservoir.
Libya, Africa, 陆上

Gas condensate




The operator needed to conduct initial formation pressure-while-drilling operations in a lithologically uncertain environment to confirm a thin oil leg located directly below a gas zone. Formation pressure was acquired in three wells to define fluid types and detect fluid contacts (oil/water and gas/water contact).
