Wintershall Dea Captures Photorealistic Images in 6-in Borehole Drilled with NCM | SLB

Wintershall Dea Captures Photorealistic Images in 6-in Borehole Drilled with NCM

已发表: 11/25/2019

Concrete blue texture
5-in Quanta Geo service’s photorealistic static image and resistivity logs in slim Norway well
The corelike images with 90% borehole coverage reveal detailed insight to the stratigraphic distribution of sand and shale layers in the logged interval. Thin shale breaks separate the stacked sand packages. The internal architecture of the sands varies from highly laminated parallel beds to chaotic texture. Structural elements, such as bed boundaries and natural and induced fractures, are also clearly identifiable. This information enabled a high-confidence structural and stratigraphic dip interpretation, with further studies planned to integrate images and core data.
Norway, Europe

Operator: Wintershall Dea GmbH

Lithology: Interbedded stacked sands separated by thin shale layers

Borehole diameter: 6 in

Drilling fluid: Nonconductive mud (NCM)


Wintershall Dea, Europe's leading independent gas and oil company, faced numerous challenges in understanding the structural and stratigraphic features of a formation penetrated by a 6-in borehole. These could be resolved through microresistivity logging with Quanta Geo photorealistic reservoir geology service to acquire high-resolution images with nearly total borehole coverage and accurate dip measurements in NCM. With the introduction of a 5-in version of Quanta Geo service, the borehole was now accessible despite its slim diameter limitation.
