ERD Wells Delivered 85 Days Ahead of Schedule | SLB

ERD Wells Delivered 85 Days Ahead of Schedule

已发表: 03/12/2021

Concrete blue texture
Graph showing integrated well construction project delivered 25% below AFE.
The integrated well construction campaign enabled the operator to achieve consistent, early delivery of the wells, proving that the field could be drilled and produced economically. Daily meterage increased by 225% compared with using a previous third party—exceeding the projected target by 29%. The drilling campaign was delivered 25% ahead of the AFE schedule with zero HSE incidents recorded. The field life was also extended, and the operator plans on an additional drilling campaign.
Norway, Europe, 海上

Extended-reach drilling (ERD)


An operator in Norway needed to plan and drill a field that was previously deemed uneconomical. Prior campaigns using a third party had exceeded the budget due to repeated operational complications. Schlumberger aligned with the operator to determine key success factors and implemented comprehensive technical and resource planning. To ensure operational efficiency, the job included BHA standardization, full onshore configuration, remote operations, multiskilling, high tool utilization, and technology deployment.
