ATC Technology Cuts Clean-Up Time in Half | SLB

ATC Technology Cuts Clean-Up Time in Half

已发表: 06/18/2019

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ATC Technology Cuts Clean-Up Time in Half
The ATC technology cleaned the tank in 250.48 h, representing a 50.3% reduction in cleaning time. A total of 117.6 h of confined−space entry was required, which amounts to a reduction of 77% compared with the total confined−space entry time required by the previous manual cleaning operation. Only 65 bbl of washwater was required to clean the tank compared with 512 bbl used in the past, amounting to a reduction of 87% in freshwater use. Total barite solids removed was 47.6 tonUK.
North Sea, Norway, Europe, 海上

United Kingdom
North Sea

Riser deck to tank     394 ft [120 m] 
Vertical to main deck   105 ft [32 m]
Washwater required   65 bbl
Barite soldis removed   47.6 tonUK
An operator in the UK sector of the North Sea needed to clean a P-16 column tank using ATC automatic tank-cleaning technology. Previously, service providers spent 504 h of confined-space entry time using traditional cleaning methods, which involved workers inside the tank using hoses, pressure washers, shovels, and squeegees. The task was not only slow, but it also posed unnecessary HSE risk potential.