Significantly reduce costs with exceptional screen life and superior fluids handling.
已发表: 03/24/2016
已发表: 03/24/2016
Hole size
22 in
Section MD
2,735–6,245 ft
[834–1,903 m]
Sandstone, limestone, and clay
Average flowrate
1,000 gpm
[3.79 m3/min]
Average ROP
50 ft/h
[15.24 m/h]
Drilling fluid
Oil-based drilling fluid
To compare the solids-removal efficiency of M-I SWACO screen technology with the performance of a conventional screen, an operator requested a full vibratory systems analysis test on three BRANDT KING COBRA shakers. DURAFLO composite replacement screens and conventional screens were tested side by side with equivalent shaker deck angles and flow rate. Screen replacement, gasket conditions, mesh wear, solids removal rates, and particle size analysis were recorded and compared.