FybeCarb Material Eliminates Circulation Fluid Loss, Saves USD 1.5 Million in the Chichimene Field | SLB

FybeCarb Material Eliminates Circulation Fluid Loss, Saves USD 1.5 Million in the Chichimene Field

已发表: 02/05/2016

Concrete blue texture
Illustration showing how M-I SWACO placed a pill with 60 lbm/bbl of FybeCarb near the 95/8-in casing shoe from 2,309 m [7,576 ft] to 1,987 m [6,519 ft] and then squeezed at 1.38 MPa [200 psi] for 1 hour to the formation below. Once circulation was reestablished, the 5.9-m³/h [37-bbl/h] formation losses were gradually reduced to zero after only 30 min of circulation.
M-I SWACO placed a pill with 60 lbm/bbl of FybeCarb near the 95/8-in casing shoe from 2,309 m [7,576 ft] to 1,987 m [6,519 ft] and then squeezed at 1.38 MPa [200 psi] for 1 hour to the formation below. Once circulation was reestablished, the 5.9-m³/h [37-bbl/h] formation losses were gradually reduced to zero after only 30 min of circulation. The
Colombia, South America

Orinoquia Basin

San Fernando

Section drilled
8 1/2-in section

Interval drilled
2,300–2,585 m
[7,545–8,482 ft]

Equivalent circulating density (ECD) range
6.3–9.8 ppg

Producing section pore pressure
3.2 ppg

Formation pressure
9.65 MPa [1,400 psi]

An operator was drilling in the Chichimene field, where low formation pressures posed high risk of fluid loss. After drilling the reservoir interval, the operator converted the drilling fluid system to single phase. When ECD reached 9.4 ppg, the pressure dropped from 2.16 MPa [313 psi] to 0.21 MPa [30 psi], resulting in total fluid loss at a rate of 31.8 m3/h [200 bbl/h]. The operator sought a solution to control and eliminate fluid loss.