KLA-HIB Inhibitor Reduces Mud Volumes, Minimizes Dilution in Sensitive West Siberian Shale | SLB

KLA-HIB Inhibitor Reduces Mud Volumes, Minimizes Dilution in Sensitive West Siberian Shale

已发表: 11/07/2015

Concrete blue texture

Drilling the sidetrack and landing the liner required 27 days, including 10 days to drill the pilot hole. The entire operation was completed with no lost time caused by drilling- fluid-associated issues. The well section was drilled to TD with no mud losses, stuck pipe, or wellbore stability issues.

Chart showing KLA-HIB Inhibitor Reduces Mud Volumes Through Minimized Dilution
Compared with the conventional drilling fluid that was previously used in the area, the inhibitive WBM using the KLA-HIB inhibitor drilled a longer average interval (left graph) while maintaining a lower MBT content (right graph), demonstrating better tolerance to solids contamination. This decreased the dilution requirement for drilling fluid maintenance and, consequently, reduced the cost of drilling waste disposal.
Russia, 亚洲, 陆上

Kogalym, Siberia

Interval drilled
2,380–3,214 m
[7,808–10,544 ft]

Mud density
1,150 kg/m3 [9.60 lbm/galUS]

Mud type
Water-base mud (WBM)

Liner size
102 mm [4 in]

An operator in West Siberia has historically drilled sidetracks using a mud system unable to prevent solids contamination, leading to high dilution volumes. When the cost of waste disposal became uneconomical, the operator requested a drilling fluid with a cost-effective shale inhibitor that could effectively manage dilution and reduce the drilling fluid volume required to successfully drill the section.