Lab Analysis: Fulcrum Technology Maintains Cement Properties | SLB

Lab Analysis: Fulcrum Technology Maintains Cement Properties

已发表: 09/19/2019

Blue hero texture
Representation of cement channels after horizontal well cementing
For cement mixed at 13.2 lbm/galUS [1.58 g/cm3], slurry and set cement properties were comparable for the conventional and Fulcrum technology-enhanced cements, except that the channeled mud near the Fulcrum technology-enhanced cement had much higher resistance to flow. Results for other densities are available upon request.

Lab Testing Results Summary

Property Conventional Cement  Cement with Fulcrum Technology Change, % 
Property Density, lbm/galUS Conventional Cement   13.2 Cement with Fulcrum Technology 13.2 Change, %  0
Property Conditioned viscosity, cP Conventional Cement  51.9 Cement with Fulcrum Technology 55.9 Change, %  8
Property Conditioned yield point, lbf/100 ft2 Conventional Cement  13.1 Cement with Fulcrum Technology 10.72 Change, %  –18
Property Free fluid Conventional Cement  0 Cement with Fulcrum Technology 0 Change, %  0
Property Sedimentation Conventional Cement  0 Cement with Fulcrum Technology 0 Change, %  0
Property Thickening time, h:min Conventional Cement  4:47 Cement with Fulcrum Technology 4:50 Change, %  1
Property Fluid loss, mL Conventional Cement  80 Cement with Fulcrum Technology 80 Change, %  0
Property Time to 500-psi compressive strength, h:min Conventional Cement  6:59 Cement with Fulcrum Technology 8:23 Change, %  20
Property Mud channel yield point, lbf/100 ft2 Conventional Cement  65.2 Cement with Fulcrum Technology 1,185.9 Change, %  1,719
美国, North America, 陆上
Testing Parameter Value
Temperature, degF [degC] 340 [171]
Density, lbm/galUS [g/cm3] 12 to 16.2 [1.44 to 1.94]
As operators accelerate the use of Fulcrum cement-conveyed frac performance technology to improve stage-to-stage isolation before fracturing, lab work was designed to verify zonal isolation and cement stability with and without the additive. Conventional cement and cement enhanced with Fulcrum technology were tested for common critical cement properties such as compressive strength and thickening time.