CAM20-MT Choke Valve Withstands Erosive Fracturing Flowback with No Damage or Wear, Eagle Ford Shale | SLB

CAM20-MT Choke Valve Withstands Erosive Fracturing Flowback with No Damage or Wear, Eagle Ford Shale

已发表: 07/06/2016

Concrete blue texture
The test lasted 72 hours with no shut-ins. The choke opening was gradually increased from 8/64 in to 18/64 in. During this time, the choke withstood pressures ranging from 3,950 psi to 2,􀀀75 psi. After the test, the choke valve was removed and subsequently disassembled and thoroughly inspected in the workshop. There were no signs of erosion, corrosion, damage, or wear, even in the lowest part of the seat, which is exposed to the most severe conditions due to high fluid velocities and large debris; the seat and FS trim were in as-new condition. The seals were replaced and the choke valve swiftly returned to service so that production could continue through the flowback tree, a common practice in the Eagle Ford.
The test lasted 72 hours with no shut-ins. The choke opening was gradually increased from 8/64 in to 18/64 in. During this time, the choke withstood pressures ranging from 3,950 psi to 2,875 psi. After the test, the choke valve was removed and subsequently disassembled and thoroughly inspected in the workshop. There were no signs of erosion, corrosion, damage, or wear, even in the lowest part of the seat, which is exposed to the most severe conditions due to high fluid velocities and large debris; the seat and FS trim were in as-new condition. The seals were replaced and the choke valve swiftly returned to service so that production could continue through the flowback tree, a common practice in the Eagle Ford.
Eagle Ford Shale, 美国, North America, 陆上

Choke Inlet Pressure

  • Initial: 3,950 psi [27 MPa]
  • Final: 2,875 psi [20 MPa]

Flow Rates

  • Natural Gas: 1.4 MMcf/d [39,644 m3/d]
  • Oil: 1,500 bbl/d [238 m3/d]
  • Water: Negligible

CO2 Content: 1.5%

H2S Content : 55 ppm


After hydraulic fracturing, the fluids pumped downhole must return to surface through a flowback tree. These fluids can contain large amounts of frac plug debris and other solids that can be damaging for chokes in the tree. The choke trim often must be replaced multiple times during flowback, increasing costs, NPT, and the risk of exposure to H2S, other harmful substances, and high pressures. The operator decided to test the durability of the CAM20-MT multitrim choke valve with external floating sleeve (FS) trim—installed in a 2 1/16-in, 5,000-psi flowback tree—on one of its wells in the Black Hawk field, Eagle Ford Shale.
