Characterizing Reservoir Thermofacies by Using Distributed Temperature Sensing Measurements | SLB

Characterizing Reservoir Thermofacies by Using Distributed Temperature Sensing Measurements

已发表: 09/28/2015

Schlumberger Oilfield Services

A new distributed temperature sensing (DTS) interpretation method used in horizontal injection wells characterizes static facies and highlights independent features called thermofacies. This method allows for evaluating the intrinsic dynamic responses of reservoir layers using a time-lapse approach, taking into account the skin changes during the well's life and the possible activation of structural elements such as faults and fractures.

Based on DTS temperature analysis acquired during a well's shut-in period, this interpretation method provides two major results: the thermal performance indicator (TPI) and the thermofacies. The TPI adds a dynamic component to the static image of a well provided by openhole logs, even taking into account structural elements and inflow performance evaluation. When DTS inflow contributions are available, some independent facies (thermofacies) can be defined, showing the dynamic behavior of a well in a standalone mode.

The main advantage of this interpretation method is to provide a tool capable of driving field development to optimize the production while focusing on those log facies characterized by the dynamic injection performance; not only based on their static petrophysical evaluation.
