Machine Learning Delivers Automated Feedback on Real Time Key Performance Indicators During Drilling Operations | SLB

Machine Learning Delivers Automated Feedback on Real Time Key Performance Indicators During Drilling Operations

已发表: 11/01/2022

Schlumberger Oilfield Services

Drilling, tripping and running casing represents approximately fifty percent of the total well time, where the connection time KPI is the common performance indicator for those operations. Therefore, enabling real-time monitoring on drilling weight to weight and tripping connection time KPI's will add significant value through well time saving. The objective of this paper is to discuss the detailed implementation of machine learning to automate the detection and computation of the KPI's in real-time.

The existing method for drilling performance monitoring requires extensive human data interpretation to calibrate the parameters required in this process. To overcome the complexity and reduce the human interaction, the automated Rig state and Drill state activity level were implemented based on Machine Learning (ML). The algorithm learns from the previous connections, drilling stand or tripping conditions to define the thresholds necessary to determine the current rig operation. With automatic rig activity detection, statistics to monitor the performance can be done in a systematic way. As a result, consistency of computation allows to compare performance and to improve it.

The automated process using Machine Learning (ML) delivered consistent and powerful real time KPI computation, this helped to eliminate any human interpretation. This enabled real-time performance analysis delivery to rig site operations team. The machine learning model results were compared with the existing performance engine output and the comparison showed accurate and identical rig state/drill state detection and KPI's computation.

The initial potential time saving with the implementation of this methodology is estimated around 15%, this was achieved through performance improvement on drilling and tripping connection KPI's. Further potential time saving can be achieved by extending the concept to track casing and liner running performance monitoring and other relevant drilling activities.

This project introduces novel Rig state detection and KPI computation based on automated machine leaning model, demonstrating the benefits through improvement in drilling performance. The approach Downloaded from by Schlumberger Oilfield UK Plc user on 23 August 2023 2 SPE-211753-MS allows operators to mitigate data issues related with human interpretation and demonstrate real-time, high frequency and high-accuracy KPI's to significantly improve the drilling performance.

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