Unlocking Value From Data is Key to Successful Digital Transformation | SLB

Unlocking Value From Data is Key to Successful Digital Transformation

已发表: 05/23/2021

Schlumberger Oilfield Services

Big data analytics is the often-complex process of examining large and varied data sets to uncover information. The aim of this paper is to describe how Real Time Operation Center structuring drilling data in an informative and systematic manner through digital solution that can help organizations make informed business decisions and leverage business value to deliver wells efficiently and effectively.

Real Time Operation Center process of collecting large chunks of structured/unstructured data, segregating and analyzing it and discovering the patterns and other useful business insights from it. The methods were based on structuring a detailed workflow, RACI, quality check list for every single process of the provision of real-time drilling data and digitally transform into valuable information through robust auditable process, quality standards and sophisticated software. The paper will explain RTOC Data Management System and how it helped the organization determining which data is relevant and can be analyzed to drive better business decisions in the future.

The big data platform, in-house built-in software, and automated dashboards have helped the company build the links between different assets, analyzing technical gaps, creating opportunities and moving away from manual data entry (e.g. Excel) which was causing data errors, disconnection between information and wasted worker hours due to inefficiency. These solutions leverage analytics and unlock the value from data to enhance operational efficiency, drive performance and maximize profitability.

As a result, the company has successfully delivered 160 wells in 2019 (6% higher than 2019 Business Plan and 10% higher than number of delivered wells in 2018) more efficiently with 28.2 days per 10kftfornew wells (10% better than 2018), without compromising the well objectives and quality of the wells. Moreover, despite increasing complexity, the highest level of confidence on data analytics has permitted the company to go beyond their normal operating envelop and set a major record for drilling the world's fifth longest well as a milestone in 2019.

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