Invisible Lost Time Reduction and Drilling Risk Management Optimization in United Arab Emirates Onshore Field | SLB

Invisible Lost Time Reduction and Drilling Risk Management Optimization in United Arab Emirates Onshore Field

已发表: 11/13/2017

Schlumberger Oilfield Services

A new workflow was implemented for the first time in three UAE onshore wells with the primary objective being to increase drilling efficiency while managing the associated risks.

The workflow combines proven technologies, software and wellbore surveillance services to deliver risk-free wells ahead of authority for expenditure (AFE) targeting the reduction of nonproductive time (NPT) and invisible lost time (ILT), together with risk management.

The workflow begins with a preliminary field analysis to identify the main challenges and areas that needed improvement. The observations are consolidated on a comprehensive drilling road map by well section that are used to outline prevention and mitigation measures, expected rate of penetration (ROP) and recommended drilling parameters. The study also allowed for identifying performance benchmarks such as average and on bottom ROP and connection time. Key performance indicators (KPI) were developed to monitor progress and track the well with respect to well improvements versus the benchmarks identified. The selection of the monitoring tools and modules required during the execution phase was developed based on the risks and KPIs identified during the field study and were further tailored to target specific challenges such as stuck pipe prevention, hole cleaning, shock and vibration, and connection time.

The workflow enabled the flawless execution of three onshore wells ahead of AFE with zero NPT. The closed loop monitoring enabled real time interventions preventing risks such as stuck pipe, ensuring shoe-to-shoe drilling, and avoiding potentially lost-in-hole (LIH) costs. This monitoring process also enabled significant ILT reduction, saving approximately USD 500k for the three wells.

This case study demonstrates the use of a novel approach to increase well construction efficiency by eliminating lost time while enhancing risk control. The main basis for success of this workflow is using existing and cost-effective technology while capitalizing on the renewed synergy between different departments such as drilling, mud logging, and well operations analysis.

The workflow can be customized based on the different needs by combining specific modules for monitoring, analysis, and wellbore surveillance services to increase the efficiency of any well construction.
