The Stratigraphic-Sedimentology Model of Upper Cretaceous to Oil Exploration Field “Campeche Oriente” | SLB

The Stratigraphic-Sedimentology Model of Upper Cretaceous to Oil Exploration Field "Campeche Oriente"

已发表: 04/29/2014

Schlumberger Oilfield Services

The main objetive of this job is elabotared "The Stratigraphic-Sedimentology Model of Upper Cretaceous to oil Exploration Field, by use of the deposicional characteristics, this reservoir rocks and advanced techniques to estimate the Original Oil in Place (OOIP) and associated reserves. For this field, the total area is 1282 km2 and consists of thirteen exploration field. The Upper Cretaceuos (Upper Breccia) is the principal reservoir rocks for their petrophysical properties (Naturally-fractured reservoirs), área and thickness. The total average porosity is from 8% to 10% with average thickness of 11 to 105 metros, thinning to the south-west. The model sedimentology is interpretation as the grains flow and debris flow or mudflow unto seafloor, on the edge of a carbonate platform, limestone naturally-fractured and Breccia in-situ. In these units, the brecha is defined for outer-platform (island-reef-shoal cycles) and talud, and fragmental material, observed in the stratigraphie columns, also they can come from the event castrastofy Chicxulub.

The used workflow goes from the structural modeling (147 fault), the size of the grid 500∗500 (semi-regional model), 3 seismic horizonts in deep (Breccia, Upper Cretaceuos, Middle Cretaceuos). The facies definition was two: submarine fan and Stratified sediments using formation micro imager (FMI) of 21 wells drilled. The detritus flow "Apron" are submarine fan, the geometrical form is minor width, mayor width and orientation. The well to well is not possible correlation this submarine fan because the depositional time are different and can be related to several factors: (1) accommodation space (space available for sediment to accumulate, which relates the position of sea level relative to the flooded preexisting sediment surface or sea bottom), (2) rate of sediment accumulation, (3) rate of base-level change, (4) slope of the flooding surface, (5) mechanical sediment and diagenetic compaction, and (6) isostatic, thermal-tectonic, and active-fault subsidence [see also Kendall and Lerche (1988)]. Consideration to several factors for the geometrical body was used workflow with polygons and probability map. This skill helps us to generate a model probabilistico of the submarine fans.

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