Basin Modeling for Geothermal Resource Potential | SLB

Hidden System Identification- Basin Modeling as a Tool for Examining Sedimentary Geothermal Resource Potential

已发表: 07/01/2024

Hidden System Identification- hero2

GRC Transactions, Vol. 47, 2023


Three-dimensional (3D) geologic and temperature models have been developed for the onshore U.S. Gulf Coast. The results from these models identify areas of moderate- to high-temperature (90°-150°C and >150°C; respectively) geothermal resources at depths <6 km. This modeling study addresses the fundamental challenge of predicting where opportune temperature and lithology coincide. Unlike traditional geothermal systems with surface expressions of hydrothermal circulation (e.g., hot springs, fumaroles, sinter), sedimentary geothermal systems (SGS) are generally hidden. Historically, simplified efforts to predict subsurface temperatures in sedimentary basins have focused on linear temperature extrapolation that does not consider the variable thermal properties of different lithologies or lithologic changes with depth (e.g., compaction, lithification). Therefore, the need to understand basin architecture and predict temperatures in 3D within SGS is paramount to identifying geothermal resources and determining economic feasibility. Basin modeling software has long been used to characterize the subsurface conditions of sedimentary basins, including temperature, in the pursuit of finding hydrocarbons. This tool can also be adapted to evaluate the potential of geothermal resources in a sedimentary basin by predicting the confluence of desirable temperatures and reservoir lithologies. In this work, PetroMod basin modeling software was used to create a regional geologic model of the onshore U.S. Gulf Coast, covering over 500,000 km² calibrated to temperature data from wells. Inputs include structural surfaces from commercial databases, lithology information derived from published literature, and corrected bottom-hole temperatures (BHT) from over 6,000 wells. The resulting 3D geologic model can be used to predict temperatures throughout the basin. Maps were exported showing the depth, depositional unit, and reservoir lithology at which temperatures of 90°C and 150°C were reached, revealing over 400,000 km² of moderate- to high-temperature resources at depths <6 km. These maps function as a first-order screening tool to identify areas where low-, moderate-, or high-grade resource potential may exist, based on temperature and if optimal reservoir lithologies or depositional units of interest are present. Depending on the success criteria of a project, the same maps can be exported for any isotherm or incorporate other subsurface properties. The methodology employed in this work can be applied in any sedimentary basin with available subsurface data. Further calibration incorporating other data, including pressure and porosity, can expand the utility of basin modeling for geothermal evaluations. Basin modeling is a powerful but underutilized tool for identifying prospective geothermal resources in sedimentary basins.

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