Well Production Enhancement Results with Inflow Control Device (ICD) Completions in Horizontal Wells in Ecuador | SLB

Well Production Enhancement Results with Inflow Control Device (ICD) Completions in Horizontal Wells in Ecuador

已发表: 05/23/2011

Schlumberger Oilfield Services

Reservoir performance is dependent upon system interaction between the completion hardware, the wellbore reservoir section and its connection to surface. A-priori condition used to design a robust completion solution are housing units capable of draining and collecting fluids along the entire completion length and simultaneously produce oil while delaying more mobile fluids. Therefore the completion design should focus on:

  • Those scenarios that are expected to have greater impact in the producer wells: These include for example PI increase, adjusting drawdown pressure, flux balancing, delaying early entry of high mobile water or gas along the entire completed interval, well clean-up through time and extending well production life.
  • Wether it is expected to accelerate initial production or balanced management of the field. The goal in both cases is to achieve efficient area drainage and uniform sweep while not leaving by-passed oil in the ground.
  • Whether the contingency plans are for, alternative re-completions or preparing the wellbore for future operations such as EOR related activities to stimulate production from much lower oil residual saturations.
  • Having hardware ready that allows changes in operational modes from producer to injectors or viceversa, or permits installation of slim hole units, technologies to enhance porosity or permeabilty, reduce viscosity and mobility ratios, implement fine reservoir characterization models, avoid reaching ultra-high WCUT too soon or to implement intermediate EOR operations to slow down this tendency.

In Ecuador, an operator has completed several wells equipped with ICDs, in both consolidated and non-consolidated reservoirs and with variable rock and fluid properties including viscosities varying between 4 to 47 cP. This paper describe the combination of ICD design, geo-steerirng, calibration with real-time log data, installation procedures and fluid historical production results through time.
