Deepwater OBN—Exploiting Data-Processing Possibilities | SLB

Deepwater OBN—Exploiting Data-Processing Possibilities

已发表: 10/27/2014

Schlumberger Oilfield Services

In this paper we are describing the processing flow for deepwater sparse node OBN processing. Some of the processing steps which are unique to OBN processing are discussed in details. Some of the steps in the processing handle variations which are not repeatable between surveys and taking out the variations are important not only for imaging of single surveys, but also for limiting the 4D noise in OBN results. The different methods for QC-ing OBN processing results are discussed as well as the effect of the datum difference on how to QC the data. The result of the full processing of the OBN data is compared with a fast-track processing of a downgoing only dataset.
