First Successful Multistage Hydraulic Fracture Monitoring for a Horizontal Well in Mexico | SLB

First Successful Multistage Hydraulic Fracture Monitoring for a Horizontal Well in Mexico

已发表: 09/15/2008

Schlumberger Oilfield Services

In their constant effort to increase the production from Chicontepec, PEMEX drilled a multilateral well with three horizontal lateral sections; the intention was to increase the production in comparison with vertical wells. In the second arm of this well four intervals were identified to be fractured, this was a new approach since it was the first occasion that multiple fractures were planned in a horizontal well. An important part of the project was the evaluation of the effectiveness of the hydraulic fracturing. This evaluation was performed by microseismic monitoring during the treatment. This technology allows the detection of events generated during the fluid injection in the reservoir, with receivers located in a nearby monitoring well. The interpretation of this data allows the identification in 3D space of the fracture locations. This information is valuable for optimization of subsequent treatments and for planning the field development. The data is recorded in real time and can be used to make decisions during the fracturing operation. In this paper we describe the results of the hydraulic fracturing monitoring performed in four intervals in a horizontal well showing the geometry and direction of each one of the fractures.

Technical Paper presented at Rio Oil & Gas 2008, promoted by the Instituto Brasileiro do Petróleo, Gás e Biocombustíveis - IBP, on September 15-18, 2008.
