Success & Scope of Infinite Conductivity Fracturing Channels in Cambay Basin of India | SLB

Success & Scope of Infinite Conductivity Fracturing Channels in Cambay Basin of India

已发表: 11/11/2012

Schlumberger Oilfield Services

Cambay is one of the oldest basins in India producing hydrocarbons since 1960's. It stretches almost 400 kilometers from south of Rajasthan to south of Gujarat in the western part of India and covering 53,000 sq. Km of total area. Cambay basin is contributing almost one-third of India's total onshore oil production. Raising production from Cambay basin is a considerable challenge as major producing fields are all Brownfield’s.

Hydraulic Fracturing (HF) is in use since 1980's to stimulate and enhance production from average to poor quality sands of Cambay basin. HF leads to better production results and has helped in enhancing production from this region for a long time. HF success ratio in stimulating these reservoirs dwindled significantly in the last decade due to continuous exploitation and decrease in saturation and reservoir pressures in the area. Enhancing fracture effectiveness & conductivity and reducing pressure drop within fracture was key to overcome this challenge and take the production to the next level.
